Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Running Form Analysis

This week's training focused on my running form. As a runner who's been through two IT band injuries I knew that my form was not ideal. Sure enough Jason's ipad recordings revealed not only that I'm a heal striker but I also have a severe over-stride. No big secrets there really. He did indicate that other than these two glaring issues the rest of my form is pretty good - at least I'm doing something right!


After about an hour of tuning, drills and metronomes, I started to see immediate improvement. For example in the beginning at 8 mph, my feet and the poor treadmill were being punished by my high impact, inefficient form. By the end of the session at 8 mph the treadmill was much quieter and I felt like I was gliding along instead of stampeding along! I know this does not mean I'm cured, and this will take a lot of re-programming . But I definitely see where I need to focus and I'm excited about become a more efficient (and maybe a little bit faster?) of a runner.  


- Mark

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